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C/C++ Source or Header
108 lines
// File: HpFont.Hpp //
// Desc: Definition for an HP Soft Font Class //
// Author: Marv Luse, Autumn Hill Software //
#ifndef _HPFONT_HPP_
#define _HPFONT_HPP_
#include "Font.Hpp"
//........ macro to swap bytes in a 2-byte word
#define REV_WRD( w ) ( ((w>>8) & 0x00FF) | (w<<8) )
//........ constants for categorizing escape sequences
const int eFONTDESC = 1; // define font descriptor
const int eCHARDESC = 2; // define char descriptor
const int eCHARCODE = 3; // specify current char code
const int eUNKNOWN = 4; // anything else
//........ constants indicating HP font status
const int hpNOINIT = 0; // uninitialized font
const int hpOKAY = 1; // all is well
const int hpNOTFOUND = 101; // disk file not found
const int hpIOERROR = 102; // io error, unexpected eof, etc.
const int hpBADFMT = 103; // format failure
const int hpOVRFLOW = 104; // internal buffer overflow
const int hpNOMEM = 105; // memory allocation failed
//........ font descriptor data structure
struct font_desc
unsigned int fd_size; // font descriptor size
char resv_1; // reserved
unsigned char font_type; // font type
int resv_2; // reserved
unsigned int bl_dist; // baseline dist (D)
unsigned int cell_width; // cell width (D)
unsigned int cell_height; // cell height (D)
unsigned char orient; // orientation
unsigned char proportional; // 0=fixed, 1=proportional
unsigned int sym_set; // symbol set
unsigned int pitch; // pitch (QD)
unsigned int height; // height (QD)
unsigned int xheight; // x height (QD)
char wid_typ; // width type
unsigned char style; // style
char stroke_weight; // stroke weight
unsigned char typeface; // typeface
char resv_3; // reserved
unsigned char serif_style; // serif style
int resv_4; // reserved
char ul_dist; // underline dist (D)
unsigned char ul_height; // underline height (D)
unsigned int txt_height; // text height (QD)
unsigned int txt_width; // text width (QD)
int resv_5; // reserved
int resv_6; // reserved
unsigned char pitch_ext; // pitch extended (D/1024)
unsigned char height_ext; // height extended (D/1024)
int resv_7; // reserved
int resv_8; // reserved
int resv_9; // reserved
char font_name[16]; // font name
//........ character descriptor data structure
struct char_desc
unsigned char format; // 4 for LaserJet family
char continue_flag; // 0 normally
unsigned char desc_size; // 14 for LaserJet family
unsigned char desc_class; // 1=bitmap, 2=compressed
unsigned char orient; // should match font_dec
char resv_1; // reserved
int left_ofs; // ref pt to bm left (D)
int top_ofs; // ref pt to bm top (D)
unsigned int char_width; // bitmap width in pixels
unsigned int char_height; // bitmap height in pixels
int delta_x; // ref pt delta (QD)
//............................... bitmap data follows here
//........ HP Soft Font Class
class HpFont : public Font
int hpstatus;
HpFont( );
HpFont( char *path );
~HpFont( );
void SetFontMetrics( font_desc& fd );
void SetCharMetrics( Character&, char_desc& fc );